Dion’s Terms Of Service

Please read contents carefully! The form to sign my T.O.S. will be linked at the end!

Adopts Terms Of Service

General Policies
You should not be placing your own TOS over my design unless a redesign has made it completely different. And yes, redesigns are allowed.
You are not required to credit me for the design unless you are reselling, or selling co-ownership.No one should claim credit for my designs.All designs are subject to have another design inspired by it via my customs commission unless opted out when signing the TOS.Returns will not be accepted unless I want the design back.Do not feed my art or designs through AI.Refunds & Resale
My adopts can be resold after 30 days. The price should not exceed what you paid for unless you have reasonably added artwork.
If my design was given to you as a gift, you may not resell it for more than 35% of its full worth saying that there is no added significant artwork. When calculating worth, you should be starting at the 35% mark, not the full price tag.Only if requested, please tell me if you plan on reselling a design. I may be interested in buying it back.If a chargeback scam were to occur, I have every right to reclaim and resell a design. After this, I have every right to deny you service.Refund policy as of 2022: No refunds at any timeIf you put a design on payment plan, but find you can’t complete it, your down payment will be kept as compensation.

Commissions Terms Of Service

General Policies
I use my art for my living! My primary focus is on design sale. All I ask is your patience and respectfulness!
Proper credit is necessary for any use of my artwork. If you’re unsure about how you can use my artwork, please ask.I reserve my right to deny service for any reason.You are paying for my time and labor, not the transfer of copyright.Do not use my art for merchandise unless agreed upon.Do not feed my art through AI.Payment & Refunds
Upfront payments are required! (50% if on payment plan) Chargebacks will not be taken lightly.
Refund policy as of 2022: No refunds can be given at this time!